Boys Team
Another aspect that makes EGA unique is our boys team. With gymnasts participating in regionals, nationals, and progressing into collegiate programs, our boys have demonstrating great success thus far. Starting at age 6, boys are selected to be invited into the boys competition program. Gymnasts continue to move through the program based on their ability to demonstrate mastery in each level.

AAU Program
The first step of the “Team” process at EGA begins with AAU. During the AAU season, gymnasts will spend more time in the gym and begin to learn routines. Each gymnast will compete the same routines as the other gymnasts at the competitions. The routines are composed of “basics” or skills that build a strong foundation to support the learning of future skills. AAU helps the gymnasts to progress through the program while exposing them to a positive competition environment.

USAG Compulsory
Entering into the USAG Compulsory program is the next step in our competitive program. The gymnasts will again compete the same routines as the other gymnasts at competitions. During these seasons the gymnasts will work to perfect the basics while being exposed to more advanced skills. The compulsory program is designed to teach the basic skills which are fundamental to higher level gymnastics. The compulsory program helps fortify a foundation in the sport while promoting success in the higher levels.

Once mastery at the compulsory levels has been demonstrated, the next step is into the Optional Program. The make up of the routines changes. Although there are elements, based on level, that must be included in routines, gymnasts are able to utilize their individual strengths and abilities by including skills tailored to them. At this point is when gymnasts begin to get their own unique routines. Personality, strengths, and creativity are all included in creating routines that encourage success for the individual.